Dr Ahmed sharaf Adeen was the head of law in Yemen.


taha abuhadi 23-1-2014
He has the logic and method of persuasion and conceptual scientific legal and legitimate for the challenge and what talking about, this is what missed and was missing from a lot of others, so they assassinated him because they afraid of his own logic.

They can not face the equal footing and thus they use their own logic which based on murder, violence, assassinated, chaos and crime.

Assassinated dialog and killed the state project.Under this authority; the law which teaches by this man became absent. miles of judges who have studies in his classes and how many accountants organization are mostly were student on his hand. Will they be victorious for those lectures and lessons?. Or the law of jungle and criminality is governing ?Yemen

المزيد في هذا القسم:

  • الجامع واخرة السمرة مراكضة في بادي الحديث اود ان اشير اني لست ضد أي مؤتمر جنوبي كان جامع او مفرد حتى اذا عمل كل رب اسرة مؤتمر جنوبي في اسرته لانتخاب رئيس للجنوب او حتى للعالم اجمع ما يهمن... كتبــوا